About Me

Crop Growth 101: Tips For First-Timers When I moved from the middle of the city into farm country in the mid-Atlantic area, I got a crash course in planting crops. I was fascinated by the process and the ways that farmers used to increase crop yields. A lot of what I learned would have taken me years of research and studying. I created this site to put all of the information I've learned into one single location. My goal is to inspire other first-time farmers and property owners. I hope that the information here helps you tackle your first growing season with the confidence of an experienced farmer.



Worm Castings And Pest Control: How This Natural Fertilizer Can Help Repel Common Garden Pests

If you're involved in commercial agriculture on any level, you probably already know that worm castings are an excellent natural fertilizer that can help your garden flourish. But did you know that worm castings can also help control pests in your garden?

Here's what you need to know about the relationship between worm castings and pest control and how this natural fertilizer can help repel common garden pests.

Understanding the Benefits of Worm Castings

Worm castings are the waste produced by worms as they consume organic matter. The resulting material is rich in essential nutrients and microorganisms that are beneficial to plant growth. The nutrients and microorganisms found in worm castings make it an ideal natural fertilizer for your garden. By adding worm castings to your soil, you can improve soil structure, water retention, and nutrient absorption, all of which contribute to healthy plant growth.

Repelling Garden Pests with Worm Castings

Pests can wreak havoc on your garden, causing damage to plants, and reducing yields. But did you know that worm castings can help repel common garden pests? The microorganisms found in worm castings produce enzymes that break down organic matter in the soil, making it difficult for pests to establish themselves in your garden.

The microorganisms found in worm castings also create an environment that is hostile to pests. The enzymes produced by the microorganisms help to create a pH balance in the soil that is less favorable to pests. Additionally, the microorganisms found in worm castings create a natural barrier that makes it difficult for pests to move through the soil.

How to Use Worm Castings for Pest Control

To use worm castings for pest control, add them to your garden soil as you would any other fertilizer. Be sure to mix the worm castings into the soil thoroughly to ensure that they are evenly distributed. You can also use worm casting tea as a foliar spray to repel pests on your plants' leaves. Simply mix worm castings with water, let the mixture sit for a few days, and then strain the liquid. Spray the worm casting tea on your plants to repel pests.

Common Garden Pests that Worm Castings Can Help Control

Worm castings can help control a variety of common garden pests. Some of the pests that worm castings can help repel include:

  • Aphids
  • Whiteflies
  • Spider mites
  • Thrips
  • Caterpillars
  • Slugs

Ask your local agricultural supply provider for more information on worm casing composting and other natural forms of pest control. 
